
How to Keep Weeds from Growing Between Concrete Pavers

Concrete pavers are a popular choice for patios, walkways, driveways, and other outdoor surfaces due to their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. However, one common issue that can detract from the beauty and functionality of concrete paver installations is the growth of weeds and vegetation between the pavers. Weeds not only disrupt the clean, finished look of your outdoor space but can also damage the pavers over time. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective strategies and techniques to keep weeds from growing between concrete pavers, ensuring your outdoor areas remain weed-free and pristine.

Understanding the Weed Problem

Before delving into solutions, it’s essential to understand why weeds grow between concrete pavers:

Gaps and Joints

Weeds find their way between pavers through gaps and joints where sand or gravel is typically used for installation.

Seeds and Spores

Weeds can propagate from seeds carried by wind, animals, or birds. They can also spread from spores or underground rhizomes.

Nutrient Availability

Soil particles and organic matter that accumulate in the gaps between pavers can provide nutrients for weed growth.


Moisture retained in the gaps, especially after rain or irrigation, creates an ideal environment for weed germination and growth.

Pre-Installation Prevention

To minimize weed growth between concrete pavers, consider these preventive measures before installing the pavers:

Geotextile Fabric

Lay down a geotextile fabric or landscape fabric beneath the pavers during installation to prevent weed growth from below.

This fabric allows for drainage while blocking weed growth.

Proper Base and Grading

Ensure a well-compacted and properly graded base of crushed stone or gravel beneath the pavers. This discourages weeds from taking root.

A well-draining base also prevents excess moisture buildup.

Gap Size

Choose pavers with narrower gaps or joints between them. Smaller gaps make it more challenging for weeds to establish themselves.

Regular Maintenance

Routine maintenance is key to preventing and managing weed growth between concrete pavers:

Sweep Regularly

Regularly sweeping your paver surface with a broom or blower helps remove dirt, dust, and debris that can contribute to weed growth.

By keeping the gaps clean, you make it less hospitable for weed seeds to settle.

Remove Weeds Manually

Periodically inspect your paver installation for any weeds that have managed to grow.

Use a hand weeder or weed-pulling tool to remove weeds at the root level, being careful not to disturb the pavers.

Joint Sand Replacement

Over time, joint sand can become dislodged, compacted, or washed away. Replacing the joint sand as needed can help maintain weed resistance.

Use polymeric joint sand, which hardens when wet, to discourage weed growth.

Joint Sand Stabilization

Properly stabilizing the joint sand between concrete pavers can be an effective method for weed control:

Polymeric Joint Sand

Polymeric joint sand contains binders that, when activated by water, harden and lock the pavers in place, making it difficult for weeds to penetrate.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper installation and activation.

Silica Sand

Silica sand can be swept into the gaps between pavers to inhibit weed growth and maintain stability.

While it doesn’t harden like polymeric sand, it creates a barrier that makes it more challenging for weeds to take root.


Applying a sealer to the pavers can help prevent weed seeds from finding a foothold in the joints.

Sealers also offer protection against moisture and stains, prolonging the life of your paver installation.

Organic Weed Control Methods

If you prefer eco-friendly approaches, consider using organic weed control methods between your concrete pavers:

Vinegar Solution

A mixture of white vinegar and water can be sprayed into the gaps to kill existing weeds.

Be cautious not to spray nearby plants, as vinegar can harm desirable vegetation.

Boiling Water

Boiling water poured directly onto weeds can effectively kill them and prevent regrowth.

This method is chemical-free but may require repeated applications.

Homemade Herbicide

You can create a natural herbicide by mixing ingredients like salt, vinegar, and dish soap.

Apply this solution directly to weeds in the gaps to eliminate them.

Professional Weed Control Services

For persistent weed issues or larger concrete paver installations, professional weed control services can be a practical solution:

Herbicide Application

Professional weed control companies can apply selective herbicides that target weeds while sparing desirable plants.

They have the expertise to apply herbicides safely and effectively.

Long-Term Maintenance Plans

Professional services often offer long-term maintenance plans that include regular inspections and weed control treatments.

These plans can help ensure your paver surfaces remain weed-free year-round.

Maintaining a weed-free concrete paver installation requires a combination of preventive measures, regular maintenance, and, in some cases, professional assistance. By understanding the factors that contribute to weed growth and implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, you can enjoy a clean, attractive, and weed-free outdoor space. Whether you choose to take a DIY approach or enlist the help of professionals, keeping weeds at bay between your concrete pavers will ensure that your outdoor area remains inviting and well-maintained for years to come.

Selecting Appropriate Ground Covers

In addition to the preventive and maintenance strategies mentioned earlier, selecting the right ground cover for the gaps between your concrete pavers can be an effective way to deter weed growth:

Ground Cover Plants

Consider planting low-growing ground cover plants, such as creeping thyme, sedum, or moss, between your pavers.

These plants not only create an attractive and natural look but also help suppress weeds by competing for space and nutrients.

Gravel or Crushed Stone

Another option is to fill the gaps between your pavers with decorative gravel or crushed stone.

These materials not only provide an appealing contrast to the pavers but also discourage weed growth by reducing available soil space.

Polymeric Sand with Herbicide

For added weed resistance, you can use polymeric sand that contains built-in herbicide.

This type of sand not only stabilizes the pavers but also releases herbicide over time to deter weed growth.

Persistent Weed Control

Even with the best preventive measures and maintenance, some weeds may still find their way between your concrete pavers. In such cases, consider these additional strategies:

Flame Weeding

Flame weeding involves using a propane torch to heat and kill weeds in the gaps between pavers.

This method is effective for spot treatment and works by destroying the weed’s cell structure.

Steam Weeding

Steam weeding utilizes high-temperature steam to kill weeds.

It’s an eco-friendly option that doesn’t require the use of chemicals, making it safe for the environment.

Professional Weed Control

If weeds persist despite your efforts, it may be time to consult with a professional weed control service.

Professionals can assess the situation, identify the type of weeds, and implement targeted treatments for effective weed eradication.

Maintaining a Weed-Free Environment

To maintain a weed-free environment between your concrete pavers, it’s essential to remain vigilant and proactive:

Regular Inspection

Routinely inspect your paver installation for any signs of weed growth.

Catching and addressing weeds early can prevent them from spreading and establishing a foothold.

Timely Removal

When you spot weeds, remove them promptly, ensuring you extract the entire root system.

The longer weeds are allowed to grow, the more challenging they can be to eliminate.

Consistent Maintenance

Stick to a consistent maintenance schedule that includes sweeping, cleaning, and reapplying joint sand or ground cover materials as needed.

Regular maintenance is key to preventing weed reinfestation.


Keeping weeds from growing between your concrete pavers is not only about maintaining the aesthetics of your outdoor space but also about preserving the integrity and longevity of your paver installation. By understanding the factors that contribute to weed growth, implementing preventive measures, and using a combination of strategies like joint sand stabilization, organic weed control, appropriate ground covers, and persistent weed control methods, you can achieve and maintain a weed-free environment. Whether you prefer a DIY approach or enlist professional assistance, a weed-free paver surface will enhance the beauty and functionality of your outdoor area, allowing you to enjoy it to the fullest for years to come.

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